Available to Loan: The Morro Bay Senior Center has wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, shower chairs, and canes available for loan. Call the office at 805-772-4421 to inquire or stop in to see what's available to borrow.
Free Legal Assistance: Senior Legal Services has appointments on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Morro Bay Senior Center. Call 805-543-5140 for an appointment.
Health Insurance Advocacy Program: HICAP has weekly appointments at the Senior Center. Call 800-434-0222.
Morro Bay Connects: They pair-up those needing help with volunteers in the community. Call 805-772-6278 or visit
Meals that Connect: To inquire about a meal, make a donation or ask general questions, you may call the main office of Meals that Connect in SLO at 805-541-3312.
Free Community Dinners:
Mondays: Morro Bay Vets Memorial Building, 209 Surf Street, Morro Bay. Doors open at 4:30 pm for shopping the pantry, free clothes, towels & toiletries. Dinner is served at 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm. Hot meals are served along with hot coffee, juices and water. Note: The food pantry contains canned goods, pasta, bread, vegetables, fruit, desserts, etc. These food options may vary due to donations. Sponsored by the Lions Club of Morro Bay.
Wednesdays: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, South Bay Community Center, 2180 Palisades Drive, Los Osos (take out box dinners provided at this time)
Food Distribution Sites:
Tuesdays: 9:00 am - 10:30 am, El Morro Church of Nazarene, 1480 Santa Ysabel Avenue, Los Osos - 805-528-0391
Tuesdays and Fridays: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, United Trinity Methodist Church, 490 Los Osos Valley Road, Los Osos. * Must call for exact appointment time - 805-528-1649
2nd Tuesday of the Month: 4:30 pm, Baywood Elementary, 1330 9th Street, Los Osos
Wednesdays: 9:00 am - 10:30 am, South Bay Community Center, 2180 Palisades, Los Osos - 805-528-2626
Saturdays: 9:30 am, Rock Harbor Church, 1475 Quintana Avenue, Morro Bay - 805-772-7365
3rd Wednesday of the Month: 9:30 am - 10:30 am, Morro Bay Vets Memorial Building, 209 Surf Street, Morro Bay - drive thru available
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Salvation Army, 540 Quintana Road, Morro Bay - 805-772-7062